Sunday, March 13, 2011

[Gambar] Ikan berkumpul berhampiran pantai akibat fenomena Tsunami

Kejadian ini berlaku di Acapulco, Mexico apabila beribu ikan jenis sardine, achovy dan mackerel telah berkumpul setempat dengan padatnya berhampiran pantai. Para nelayan disitu menganggap fenomena gempa bumi dan tsunami yang berlaku di Jepun sebagai punca kejadian ini.

A man photographs a shoal of sardines off the shore of Acapulco

Fishermen flocked to the water to take advantage of the surge

Some experts believe the phenomenon is directly related to the Japanese tsunami

Fishermen in Acapulco say they have never see such large schools of fish so close to the coast

The fish were so tightly packed they looked like an oil slick from above

Some bathers steered clear of the mysterious event and kept out of the water

Untuk info lebih lengkap sila klik ke laman ini

Awien Heritage ==> Allah maha mengetahui segalanya....Allahuakbar...

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